18.05.2019 Istanbul

Emergency Response to Soil Pollution and the Importance of Site Geology

The most important issue in responding to soil pollution caused by a chemical leak caused by accidents, natural disasters, operating conditions is to limit the spread of pollution and to limit its interaction with groundwater.
Free phase drafting with emergency response, hydraulic barrier applications, etc. Many methods are used for this purpose, and another important issue is the examination of the geology and hydrogeology of the field and the selection of the methods to be used according to the results of the examination.
Choosing the right method will provide both effective isolation and gain time and cost.
Correct identification of site geology, identification of different geological structure transitions, identification of impermeable strata and determination of the structures of the groundwater layer(s) will prevent further spread of pollution. In the light of this information, many issues such as which layers the pollution can progress, how deep it should be advanced during drilling, and the theoretical spread rate of the pollution can be easily understood in this way.
The time period to be allocated for the investigation of the geology of the site before the Emergency Response to a point-source soil pollution will provide us with much more in the project as a whole.