11.09.2015 Ankara
Notification Obligation Date for Soil Pollution Control Extended
The notification period for the Activity Preliminary Information Form, which must be prepared in accordance with the Regulation on the Control of Soil Pollution and Contaminated Sites, has been extended
Within the scope of the “Regulation on the Control of Soil Pollution and Point Source Contaminated Sites”, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 08.06.2010 and numbered 27605, stations were also required to fill in the Activity Preliminary Information Forms through the Contaminated Sites Information System until September 8, 2015 and submit them to the Provincial Directorates as signed.
According to the announcement made by the General Directorate of Environmental Management, it was stated that the intensive notifications made by the owners of the activities through the “Contaminated Sites Information System” caused the system to slow down, the form filling time to be prolonged and the system to be locked, and it was announced that the notification period was extended until November 8, 2015.
The full text of the statement published on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization is as follows: “As it is known, the activities within the scope of the “Regulation on the Control of Soil Pollution and Point Source Contaminated Sites”, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 08.06.2010 and numbered 27605, are required to fill in the Activity Preliminary Information Forms through the Contaminated Sites Information System, and submit them to our Provincial Directorates until 08.09.2015.
However, the intense notifications made by the owners of the activities through the “Contaminated Sites Information System” caused the system to slow down, the form filling time to be prolonged and the system to be locked. For this reason, the said notification period has been extended until 08.11.2015 in order to prevent the notifications to be made through the system due to force majeure and to prevent the owners of the activities from being victimized.”.
As Tora Petrol, some of the services we can offer on the subject are as follows:
Detecting the presence of contamination
− Measurements by geophysical methods
− Core drilling
− Geological and environmental observation
Determining the area and depth of contamination
− Analysis of geophysical measurements
− Core and core fluids analysis
− Conceptual subsurface pollution model
Determination and application of methods for the removal of contamination
− Underground soil cleaning (excavation or water sweeping)
− Groundwater cleaning (washing with water)
− Hydrocarbon vapor absorption
You can contact us for detailed information: cevre@torapetrol.com / 0850 222 87 22 / https://www.torapetrol.com/hizmetler/toprak-kirlili%C4%9Fin-improvement